Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Friday

Today was the last day of Christmas Week. We had a great time celebrating. We dressed up in our best red and green. We played Christmas Bingo. We also had our Christmas Party. It was a great day. Here are some pictures from the day.


We anxiously awaited the start of Christmas Bingo.

We decorated Chrismtas Cookies at the party.
We colored Christmas ornaments.

We estimated the number of Jelly Beans in the candy cane.

We tried to pin the nose on Rudolph.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dress Up Day

Today was Dress-Up Day for Christmas Week. The kids looked so nice. Here are some pictures from the day!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Elf Day

As part of Christmas Week, today was elf day. All of the kids came dressed in their best elf attire. They had a great time during the day with all of their elf accessories. We watched a Christmas movie at the end of the day to cap it all off. Here are some pictures from the day.

Here are some of the kids watching the movie at the end of the day.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

St. Nick

Today, we had a special visitor. St. Nick came to visit all of the kids at school. We took off one shoe, left it in the hall and went back to work. After a little time had passed, we went back into the hall to see if anything was left in the shoes. To our surprise, St. Nick left each and every boy and girl a small gift. Here are some pictures from today.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dear Santa

It has been a long since I have updated, but we have been so busy. When we returned from Thanksgiving Break, we got right back into the swing of things. We have been working hard and definitely keeping busy. We have started long vowels which is posing to be a challenge for many. We will continue to work on them and they will become easier. We started this week by writing letters to Santa. Christmas is quickly approaching and the kids are getting excited. I take this excitement and turn it into a writing project. The kids did a great job using what we have already learned about letter writing to create their own letters to Santa. The kids asked for a wide variety of things. There were a lot of common things like American Girl Dolls, Lego's, a D.S., and different games. There were also some unusual things like a pink Escalade, duct tape, night-vision goggles, a microscope, and a hamster. The kids were quick to fill me in on some of the things that I had no clue what they were (it makes me feel so old). The letters turned out great and the kids are anxiously awaiting a response. I know the time before Christmas will go quickly, so we will try to enjoy it while it is here.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Feast

Today was a very exciting day. We dressed up as Indians and met the Pilgrims to celebrate our very own Thanksgiving Feast.

First, we went to the cafeteria to make our soup.

In the afternoon, we made our cornbread.
 Lastly, we enjoyed our feast.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Grandparent's Day

Today, we celebrated Grandparent's Day. We had a special Mass where we also honored our veterans. The kids loved sitting with some of their grandparents. We then visited in the room, had some special activities, and of course visited the book fair. Here are some pictures from today. Enjoy!