Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Today was Halloween and the kids were very excited. We started off the morning with our Halloween Parade where the students got to vote for their favorite teacher costumes. The school was able to collect tons of toiletry items for the parish service project. The kids looked great in all of their costumes. Here are some pictures from the day. Enjoy!

We had cats.

We had other animals.

We had super heroes.

We were frightened.

We had characters.

We had people from different parts of the world.

We had people dressed up as different people.

Here we are lounging on the new couches in the library.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Rebecca's Belated Birthday

Yesterday, we celebrated Rebecca's belated birthday with her book. Rebecca's birthday was over Fall Break. Since we were not here that day, she brought it in a little late. Rebecca brought Skippyjon Jones: The Great Bean Caper by Judy Schachner. The kids loved this book just like all Skippyjon Jones books. This one had rebus pictures (with pictures as words throughout the story). It also included flashcards in the back with some of the spanish words. The kids loved hearing what all the spanish words were and repeating them. Once again, another successful birthday book!

Monday, October 22, 2012

This is Our Island

Today, we had another "Class Meeting" as part of our Postive Behavior Program. During our class meeting, we made a pretend island out of fabric. The students all gathered around the island. Like in musical chairs, I played music and the students walked around the island. When I stopped the music, the students all had to stand on the "island." We had to work together to help everyone fit on the island. After each time, the island got smaller and we tried to fit everyone on the smaller island. I saw so many great things happen while we were doing it. Students were squeezing in tight to fit more students. There were kids telling other kids where there were spots. It was so good to see us working together. After our island experience, we talked about the good things we saw and how we had great teamwork. The kids did a great job and I loved seeing them work together.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Are You a Bucket Filler

As part of our new positive-behavior/anti-bullying program, we have talked a lot about how we treat others. Each week, we have a "Class Meeting" to reinforce how we interact with others and treat others the way we should treat them. This week, during our meeting, we talked about being a "bucket filler." We imagine each person coming to school with an imaginary bucket. Only positive things and kind things can fill other buckets. Being mean to others makes us a "bucket dipper." Today, we read a book that goes along with the topic. I encourage parents to talk about filling buckets with their kids and ask them if they have filled buckets each day. The book is great and the kids loved it. It really puts things into their terms.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Pig Race Reward

As a reward for coming in second place for the pig race from the magazine sale, we received an ice cream party. We had our party on Friday. Here are some pictures of the kids enjoying their ice cream.

Fall Program

Last Thursday was the Fall Music Program. We took advatage of the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi. All of the songs were animal themed. The kids practiced long and hard during music class since the beginning of school. Everyone did a great job and the kids loved performing. Here are some pictures from the night.

Mrs. Meece and her son as Rafiki and baby Simba.