Thursday, February 21, 2013

If I Was President...

Today, we wrote in our journals. What we write changes each week. Sometimes it will go with a holiday, something going on at school, the weather, anything that might come up. Since President's Day was Monday, I decided to take advantage of the topic. Our journal starter was "If I was president, I would..." The students had to finish the sentence and then write two more about what they would do if they were president. They came up with some of the funniest things. Many of them wrote about how they would eat cookies all day. Some would eat popcorn. Many of them wrote about watching movies all day and staying up late each night. It was so funny and I could tell the kids had a good time with it too.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today was Valentine's Day. The kids loved passing out their valentines, eating their snack, doing their activity pages, and looking at all of their valentines. Here are a few pictures from today.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Adrienne!

Today we celebrated Adrienne's birthday. She brought her birthday book and we shared it with the class. She brought Just a Little Sick by Mercer Mayer. It is one of the "Little Critter" books which the kids love. The kids liked the book because it was about something they all could relate to. They have all been sick and started to feel better when they just get sick again. The kids talked about things they do not like that the doctor does and what they do like or think is cool. The kids could relate to it and enjoyed it as well.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Dental Health Week

This week is Dental Health Week. To help us celebrate, we had a couple people who work at a pediatric dentist office come to school to teach us a little about keeping out teeth healthy. The Tooth Fairy even made an appearance. They showed us how the dentist will clean our teeth, how to floss our teeth, what foods are good and bad for our teeth, and some of the things we will find in the dentist office. The kids had a great time.

Anna got to dress up like a dentist.

They flossed between the kids to show how to floss between our teeth.

They showed us how to brush our teeth.

We heard a story about how the dentist can be your friend and is not so scary.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Spirit Day

Today was the fifth and final day of Catholic Schools Week. Today, the kids were able to wear Spirit Wear clothes. We watched Happy Feet in the afternoon while enjoying some popcorn for a snack. The kids seemed to have a great time! It was a very fun day to end Catholic Schools Week.