Monday, September 30, 2013

Happy Belated Birthday Kathryn!

Today we celebrated Kathryn's birthday a little late. Her birthday was earlier in the month, but we made sure to open her book during September. We just made it. Kathryn brought in the book Ten Little Ladybugs by Melanie Gerth. It was perfect since we have been talking about bugs and insects. The book had some great vocabulary words in it and the kids loved counting backwards along with the book. It will be a fabulous addition to our classroom library.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Apple Week Finale!

We wrapped up Apple Week with our Apple Tasting Party. The kids tried all different kinds of apples. We had apple dip along with apple juice. We took advantage of the beautiful weather and ate our apple treats outside. Thanks to all the parents and volunteers that helped throughout the week with the different apple activities. It was a huge success!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Apple Pizzas

Today for Apple Week, all of the kids turned into chefs and we made apple pizzas. The kids followed the directions and each made their own apple pizza. We baked the pizzas during the day and later enjoyed them while watching a Johnny Appleseed video. Most of the kids tried the apple pizzas and many of them really liked them. They were delicious!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Apple Relay Races

Today for Apple Week, we took advantage of the beautiful weather to go outside and do some apple relay races. It was the perfect day for it and the kids had a great time. It was a good way for them to burn off some of their energy too!!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Apple Activity Day!

Today, we did apple activities in the classroom. We switched rooms for a little bit and Mrs. Schultz's class came to my room while my class went to her room. We switched back and did the same activities with the other class. While the kids were in my room, we looked at the inside of an apple, saw some patterns, estimated seeds in an apple, and wrote some apple fractions. We also made apples out of strips of paper. The kids did a great job following directions. They loved the end result for our apples.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Apple Orchard!

This week is Apple Week! We take one week of the year to celebrate the life of Johnny Appleseed. We do all sorts of apple activities throughout the week. Today we went to the Apple Orchard. We had the perfect day for it. The sun was shining and it felt like Fall. The kids did a great job at all of the different stops along the trip.
First, we were welcomed by our tour guide.

Next, we went into the refrigerator where all of the apples are stored once they are picked and before they are sold. It was very cold in there.

We saw the machine they use to wash the apples.

Our tour guide explained to us how the apples are graded and sorted to determine if they will be used to sell, make apple sauce, or make apple cider.

We saw the different steps for how they make apple cider.

This is the machine used to make the apple cider.

We learned the importance of bees to making apples. The kids were great listeners.

The kids tried to find the queen bee in the hive.

We learned about the different kinds of apples and what they look like.

We got to pick four Jonathon apples to take home with us.

It was a hard decision for which ones to pick.

Some of the parents helped us reach apples that were too high.

We got to play on their playground and go through the maze.

The kids loved jumping in the hay.

We went on a hayride around the grounds of the orchard. We saw more apple trees, soybeans, and pumpkins along the way.

Lastly, we came back to school on the bus. Riding the bus is always a highlight with the kids.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Busy Friday!

Today was a very busy Friday. We have been learning about insects in Science class. Today, we did an activity with the life cycle of butterflies. We made a visual of the life cycle using pasta. The kids had a great time seeing which pasta was going to be the next stage in the cycle. Small shells were the egg. Spiral pasta was the caterpillar. Medium shells were the chrysalis. Finally, bow tie pasta was the butterfly. They turned out great. Here are some pictures of the kids with their finished products.

We finished our day with ice cream through the eighth grade fundraiser. The kids loved eating their ice cream while watching The Berenstain Bears.