Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today we came together as Pilgrims and Indians and celebrated Thanksgiving. The kids worked hard throughout the day making the food for our feast. We had a fabulous celebration in the afternoon.

First we gathered in the cafeteria to make our vegetable soup.

We ate our snack in the room to hold our stomachs over until the feast.

We made cornbread in the room to go with our soup.

We gathered together in the cafeteria to share our Thanksgiving Feast. It was delicious.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Austin!

This week, we celebrated Austin's seventh birthday. He brought in the book Harry: The Dirty Dog by Gene Zion. It is the story of an adorable, but mischievous dog who loves getting dirty, but hates taking baths. The kids enjoyed the story as well as predicting what was going to happen next. We had lots of kids thinking about how they thought the story would end. It was a cute book and a great addition to our classroom library.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Grandparents Day!!!

Today was Grandparents Day. We had such a nice time visiting with our families and sharing different things we do here at school. We started by celebrating Mass together and having a special Veteran's Day program afterwards. Then, the grandparents visited the different classrooms and got to spend some time with their grandkids. I love seeing the smiles on the kids faces when they see their grandma or grandpa walk in the room. Enjoy some pictures from the day!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Vet Visit

Many of our reading stories have been about animals in this unit. One of the parents of a student in the other first grade class is a veterinarian. She came today with a dog and a cat and shared some of the things vets do, some information about different animals, and some ways to stay safe around the animals. We had good discussions and good questions from the kids. Here are some pictures from the presentation.