Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Special Visitor

Today we had a special visitor. Daniel came to visit us today. He was asleep at first, but he eventually woke up. The kids made lots of comments about how big he had gotten. Daniel was great during the whole visit. Daniel laid on the floor to play and the kids were able to come get a closer look. We even got a picture of the whole class with Daniel.

Happy Birthday Eli!

Yesterday we celebrated Eli's birthday. He brought the perfect book for his birthday. He brought Happy Birthday to You! by Dr. Seuss. This book was full of tongue twisters. the kids enjoyed watching me try to say each new rhyme correctly. With Dr. Seuss, we know there will always be some made up words and weird creatures that are new to us. The kids love hearing what Dr. Seuss is going to invent this time. This book was a great addition to our library.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Happy Birthday Cooper B.!

Today and Friday, we celebrated Cooper B.'s birthday. He brought in two books for his birthday. Both books were Angry Birds: Star Wars. I had never seen these kinds of books before. I knew that the kids liked Angry Birds, so I knew they would like these. Cooper brought Darth Swindle's Secrets and Yoda Bird's Heroes by Ruth Amos. The books do a good job of mixing Star Wars and Angry Birds. The kids enjoyed seeing how the two came together.