Friday, September 26, 2014

Apple Party!

We finished our Apple Week with our final Apple Party. The kids had all sorts of kind of apples to eat, dip to use, marshmallows, cheese, and apple juice. Thanks to all the parents that helped throughout the week. We could not have done it without you.

Fall Music Program

In the midst of all of the Apple Week excitement, we had our Fall Music Program. We focused on being good friends and not bullying others. The kids practiced hard and did a great job. They sang out loud and proud. Here are some pictures from the program!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Apple Pizzas!

Today we made apple pizzas as part of Apple Week! The kids did a great job putting all of the ingredients together to make each pizza. While we watched a Johnny Appleseed video we enjoyed our applesauce and pizzas! They were delicious! Here are some pictures!


On Wednesday of Apple Week, we made our very own applesauce. The kids worked hard to get it all put together. First, we peeled and cored the apples. Next, each child was in charge or cutting their apple into smaller pieces. Then, we put the apples in the crockpot with a few extra ingredients and had to be very patient and let it cook all day. As the day went on, the classroom smelled better and better. We had to let it cook a long time, so it wasn't ready to eat on Wednesday, but we will be eating it with our apple pizzas on Thursday. Here are some pictures from the cooking process!

Field Trip to the Apple Orchard!

On Tuesday, we went to the Apple Orchard. We had perfect weather that day. Our trip was a great way to celebrate the first day of Fall. We rode there on the school bus, which for some kids, is enough excitement right there. When we got there, we got started on the tour. We stopped at many different places along the way. First, we went into the refrigerator where the apples are stored. Next, we saw where the apples are washed, polished, and sorted. Then, we saw where the apples are made into apple cider. We each got our own taste of the apple cider as well. It was delicious. After that, we went and learned about why bees are so important to making apples. Next, we learned about the different kinds of apples. We all got to pick five apples to take home. Then, we went on a hay ride around the apple trees and pumpkin patch. We finished our tour by getting to play on the big playground they had there. Overall, it was a great day! The kids had a good time and enjoyed themselves! Here are some pictures from the day!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Apple Activity Day!!

Today was the start of Apple Week. We hit the ground running by doing apple activities in the room. We looked at the inside of an apple, guessed how many seeds were inside, created apple fractions, made apples out of construction paper, and completed an apple word search. Those were just the activities we did in our classroom. The kids then switched to Mrs. Schultz's class and did activities over there. Here are some pictures of the kids with the apples they made!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Reagan!

Friday, we celebrated Reagan's birthday. She brought in the book Frozen: Big Snowman, Little Snowman. The kids were amazed to find out that I had not seen the movie. They all graciously let me know that I could borrow their copies of the movie to watch. The book was great for the class. It is a Step into Reading: Step 1. These books are great for this age level. This one also focused on opposites, so the kids were always trying to spot the words that were opposites on each page. It was a great book to help celebrate Reagan's birthday!