Monday, August 24, 2015


Today we started the NWEA formative assessment on the computer. The kids did a great job and worked very hard. This assessment will give me wonderful information about the current learning level of each student. I have never had data like this before. I cannot wait to see the results from our class. This will definitely help me better level the students in my class and reach each student on their level as well as help them in specific areas where they might need it. We took the reading assessment today and take the math assessment next Monday.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

How does your garden grow?

We have busy at work these first few days of schools. The kids have been adjusting well to the new routines here in first grade. With my first grade class last year, we started a garden. The kids worked hard to get the garden ready, plant seeds, and take care of them over the summer. The vegetables are really starting to come in. Today we went out and picked some green beans that were ready. We can tell there are a lot of tomatoes that will be ready next week. Here is our first harvest of the season.