Friday, September 25, 2015

Apple Tasting Party

Today, we finished apple week with our Apple Tasting Party. We ate all sorts of apple foods. We had apple slices, caramel apple dip, apple butter, crab-apple jelly, marshmallows, cheese, and apple juice. They kids had a great time trying all of the different foods.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Baking with Apples

Today we did some baking with apples. We made Apple Pizzas and Apple Pie Bites. The kids did all the assembly on their own and then we baked them. While the kids were waiting for their turn to make their treats, we worked on making our Johnny Appleseed pots for our hats. We then had a late afternoon snack of Apple Pizzas, Apple Pie Bites, and our applesauce from yesterday. They were all delicious.

Making Applesauce!

Yesterday, we made applesauce for Apple Week. The kids peeled and cored the apples and then cut the pieces up. We added a little bit of cinnamon, brown sugar, and lemon juice. We smelled it cooking all day. They were very anxious to try it.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Happy Birthday Carter!

Today, we not only went to the Apple Orchard, we also celebrated Carter's birthday. Carter brought in the book Prince Fly Guy by Tedd Arnold. Mrs. Rudolf has been reading lots of Fly Guy books lately and the kids have really gotten into them and enjoy them. This was a new one for the class and they loved it! It will be a great addition to the classroom library.

Apple Orchard Field Trip

Today we went to Tuttle's Apple Orchard. The kids had a great time and were very good while we were there. Here are some things we did:

First we saw how bees help the apples grow on the apple trees.

We tasted apple cider.

We saw how the apples were washed, graded, and sorted.

We went into the refrigerator to see where the apples are stored.

We saw how they get the apples ready to make the apple cider.

They showed us the machine that makes the apple cider.

Never pass up a photo opportunity.

We got to take a hayride.

We got to pick pumpkins.

It was very hard to choose.

We talked about different kinds of apples.

We worked hard to pick some apples.

We each got to pick four apples.


Who can forget the bus ride home?

Apple Week Activity Day

Yesterday, we started Apple Week. We did activities in both classrooms. Our class started in our classroom and then we switched and did activities in Mrs. Schultz's classroom. While the kids were in here, we looked at the inside of an apple and wrote some apple fractions, we did an apple word search, and we made apples out of construction paper. The kids had a great time and did a great job!

Friday, September 11, 2015


Today we played BINGO. It was not just any plain old BINGO. We played beginning sound BINGO. The kids had a great time matching the beginning sounds. We had fun while learning (shhh...don't tell the kids)!