Monday, May 16, 2016

Last Weeks of School!

We have been very busy with all sorts of different activities these last few weeks of school. Here are some of the highlights from Room 2:

We celebrated Cinco de Mayo by making sombreros in Spanish class.

We had a guest speaker, Mrs. Kappel's aunt. She talked about her adventures with scuba diving and the ocean animals she has seen.

She showed us some of her scuba gear.

We have spent time getting the garden ready to plant the new crop of vegetables.

We used our microscopes to compare different soil samples.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Happy Birthday Addie H!

Today we celebrated Addie H.'s birthday. Her birthday is on Sunday, so we celebrated a couple of days early. Addie brought in There's Something in My Basement by Nicole Osborne. This book is written by her friend's mom about something scary in the basement that turns out to be the little boy's dad. She also brought There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books! by Lucille Colandro. The kids have heard other books similar to this, so they enjoyed being able to anticipate what was going to happen next. These are two great additions to the classroom library.