Monday, May 8, 2017

Happy Birthday Madeline!

Today, we celebrated Madeline's birthday a little early. Her birthday is in June when we will not be in school, so she brought her birthday book in a month early. She brought in Madeline at the White House by John Bemelmans Marciano. The kids loved the title of the book and how it goes with who brought it in. There was good rhythm and rhyme to the story as well. This is our first Madeline book to add to our classroom library.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Special Visitor

On Friday, we had a special visitor. We have been talking about the ocean and the life in the ocean. My aunt is a certified scuba diver and Dive Master. She came to talk to my class about some of her adventures while scuba diving and some of her gear. The kids loved looking at the pictures and seeing some of the things she brought.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Happy Birthday Carter!

Today we also celebrated Carter's birthday. He brought in the book The Disappearing Mountain and Other Earth Mysteries. This is a great science book where the kids have to use some clues to try and figure out why some mysterious things are happening to the earth. I had to reassure the kids that many of the things could not happen where we live.

Happy Birthday Lydia!

Today we celebrated Lydia's birthday. She brought in Judy Moody and Stink: The Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt by Megan McDonald. This is a chapter book, so we only read one chapter, but I can tell the kids are going to enjoy it.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

New Toy in Room 2!

We have a new Smart Board in Room 2. It is taking some getting used to, but we are slowly adjusting. The kids are having a fabulous time learning all of the new things we can do with it.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Dairy Week Wrap Up

We finished Dairy Week with some activities in the classroom. We made cows out of paper plates and did a dairy search and find.

Dairy Farm Field Trip

The third day of Dairy Week was spent visiting a dairy farm. We learned all kinds of things about the way cows are milked and fed.

We visited the milk house and saw where the milk is stored.

We saw the cows being milked.

We saw where the cows live in their barns.

We got to feel the water bed that the cows have to lay on in their barn.

The baby cows did not want to be petted, but we did get to see them.

We had a small lesson on the importance of getting three servings of dairy a day.

We finished by playing a game of dairy memory.