Thursday, August 30, 2012

Question Day

Every year, toward the beginning of the school year, I take some time out of one day to let the kids ask me questions. I spend so much of the first couple of weeks learning about the kids' personalities, what they like, what they don't like, and their families. This is the time for the kids to learn a little bit of information about me. I always have the questions about what my favorites are: favorite color, favorite food, favorite sport, favorite favorite dessert, favorite animal, and any other favorite thing you can think of (one year, I was asked my favorite kind of salad dressing). Then I get the questions about my life: am I married, do I have kids, when is your birthday, what do you do when you go home, what is your "real" name (because Mrs. Kappel is my fake name), and anything outside of school. Last, there are the questions about our school days: what do I like teaching the best, what do I do when the kids are in their specials, what do the teachers talk about in the teachers lounge, what is my favorite kids book, and anything else school related. I always love hearing the questions the kids come up with; they are very insightful. The questions allow the kids to learn more about me; however, I end up learning a lot about them in the process.