Thursday, August 29, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy!

It has been a challenge to find a few extra minutes to write a post. We have been so busy at school. The kids are doing a great job adjusting to things and really getting the hang of the routine here in Room 2. My students become more independent each day and remember more things from the day before. It amazes me how much their minds are like sponges and how much they absorb. We have had a very busy first few weeks of school. We have been learning about living and nonliving things as well as plants and animals. We have jumped right into math with counting and place value. Other than just the normal day to day activities, we are also in full swing of the magazine sale. The magazine sale is by far the biggest fund raiser for the school. It supplies 67% of the PTO budget which pays for many of the field trips the students take throughout the year as well as teacher workshops and technology in the classroom. Our class has been doing a great job bringing in magazine orders. There are still two turn in days before the end of the sale. I anticipate the level of activity to continue in the weeks to come.