Thursday, December 19, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Well I left for Thanksgiving break fully expecting to be coming back the following Monday. Apparently, God had a different plan for me. Over Thanksgiving weekend, I began having regular contractions off and on. I woke up that Sunday morning around 3:00 and knew that I would not be at school Monday morning. I labored all day Sunday and finally at 2:05 am Monday, December 2, I gave birth to our first child. Although he made his appearance two and a half weeks early, Daniel Joseph Kappel is healthy and happy. We are very excited to have him in our lives, even if he came a little sooner than anticipated. I am sad to be missing the festivities of Christmas Week, but keep up with things that are happening by talking to Mrs. Rudolf. I took Daniel to meet the kids earlier this week and they were very intrigued. They had tons of questions about what he can and can't do, if it hurt, how I look different now, and anything in between. I miss the kids and staff at school dearly, but would not trade this time I get to spend with Daniel for the world. I appreciate all of the well wishes and prayers that have come our way. Thanks for everything. I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!