Thursday, April 2, 2015

Cultural Day!

Before Spring Break, we had celebrated Cultural Day. It was a day full of fun activities and speakers focusing on taking care of God's creation. Here are some pictures from the awesome day.

We started by learning about earthworms and compost bins.

We prepared to go inside the giant earth balloon.

We waited patiently to get our instructions before going into the balloon.

We finally went inside the balloon.

Meteorologist Kelly Greene from Channel 13 talked to us about climate change.

We tried lots of different foods at the Food Fair.

We played recycling BINGO.

Brother Bob talked to us about St. Francis of Assisi and loving animals. 

We had a storyteller tell a story about having hope.

We used recycled materials during arts and crafts to make maracas.

Finally, Amazon John brought lots of animals for us and talked about loving all of God's creatures.