Friday, January 20, 2017

We made it to 100!!!

Today is the 100th day of school. We celebrated in a big way. The kids were able to wear shirts with 100 items on them. We did reading groups all about the number 100. We made words out of "one hundreds day", wrote about what we would do with $100, read books about 100 days of school, and wrote 100 words we know. We did some graphing for math. We finished the day by putting together some 100 piece puzzles and making a trail mix with ten groups of ten snacks. We had one group finish their puzzle before it was time to enjoy our snack. It was a fun filled day.

Happy Birthday Owen!

Today, we celebrated Owen's birthday. He brought in a game instead of a book. He brought the game Animal Upon Animal. This game is all about balance and stacking. We opened it up and did a small lesson on how to play. Two players take turns trying to stack small wooden animals on top of each other without knocking the stack down. Whoever can stack all of their animals first wins. This will be a great addition to our recess games.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Happy Birthday Grace!

Today we also celebrated Grace's birthday with another book from a movie. She brought in Trolls: All About the Trolls. This book is a great introduction to all of the characters in the movie. It even came with stickers that I told the kids I would use on some of their papers. That made them very excited.

Happy Birthday Mason!

Today we celebrated Mason's birthday. He brought in the book Zootopia. The book came with a CD for a read along. We listened to the CD as they read the story. The different voices was much better than what it would have been if I read it. Many of the kids had seen the movie, so they loved comparing the book and the movie.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Happy Birthday Hayden!

Today we celebrated Hayden's birthday. Her birthday was yesterday, but since it was Sunday, we celebrated today. She brought in the book An Elephant and Piggie Book: The Thank You Book by Mo Willems. I told the kids that this is one of Mrs. Rudolf's favorite books. She loves Mo Willems and has all of his books. The kids did a pretty good job predicting and guessing how the book was going to end, but they did give us a small twist to finish. This will definitely be a book the kids will read a lot while it is on our shelf.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Happy Birthday Alex!

Today, we celebrated Alex's 7th birthday. She brought in one of my favorite books. We read it to my boys all the time. She brought in Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae and Guy Parker-Rees. This is a great rhyming story about a giraffe who thinks he cannot dance until he meets a friendly cricket who teaches him that sometimes, you just need to find a different song. This will be a wonderful addition to the classroom library.

Christmas Week

The week before Christmas break was CRAZY!! I was in and out during the week with sick kids at home and the schedules at school were not-so-normal. We did get some pictures throughout the week with some of the festivities. On Monday, the kids dressed up as a nativity character. On Tuesday, we made igloos with toothpicks and marshmallows. On Wednesday, it was a dress-up day for Mass. On Friday, we played BINGO and had our Christmas celebration.