Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dairy farm Trip

On Tuesday, we went to the dairy farm to see how the cows are milked and learn about how we get our milk. The kids had a great time and were wonderful!

We received our introduction to the farm from one of the owners.

We went into the milk house to see where the milk is stored.

The big tank on the left is where they keep the milk.

We saw how and where the cows get milked.

The workers hooked the cows up to the machines.

We were up close and personal with the cows.

We made some new friends.

I love the cow poking her head through the gate.

We saw some baby calves. They were six weeks old.

The babies were very friendly.

The babies were the most popular stop on our tour.

We got a lesson in getting our three servings of dairy each day.

We got a snack of cheese.

Finally, we played a matching game.