Monday, September 24, 2012

Apple Orchard Field Trip

Today, we had our field trip to Tuttle Orchards. We had perfect weather for our field trip. The kids had a great time. Thanks Tuttle Orchards for the wonderful field trip!! Here are some pictures from the trip.

We listened about how bees help us get apples.

We found the queen bee in the hive.

We saw the big refrigerator where the apples are stored.

We saw where the apples are washed.

We saw where and how the apples are sorted.

This is the machine that makes apple cider.

This is their very own weather station.

We talked about the different kinds of apples.

We even got to taste some of the apples.

We took a hayride out to pick some pumpkins.

Once the child found the pumpkin they wanted, they raised their hand and the guide cut it off the vine for them.

We rode the hayride back to where we started.

There was a hay maze for us.

Some of the kids turned into the animals!

The play area was awesome!

That is one busy tractor!